Monday, December 8, 2008

Pro-Abortion Slogans #17

Pro-Abortion Slogan: "Banning abortion discriminates against poor women and women of color. You are racist because you want to keep women of color down by denying them the right to control their own fertility. They will never be able to progress without reproductive rights."Summary of the Pro-Life Response.
(1) CLARIFICATION: "Abortion is not a 'good' that will improve the lives of minority women."
(2) CLARIFICATION: "How strange it is that abortion mills are concentrated in minority neighborhoods!"
(3) CLARIFICATION: "Abortion itself is a racist institution."
Background. Pro-abortionists show by their actions that they don't care as much for the poor as they do for preserving their precious abortion 'right.' They only trot out the tired old "women of color" chestnut when they want to play upon their audience's sympathies and appear compassionate. They say that their objective is to relieve poor women — especially "women of color" — of the "crushing burden of unlimited fertility."
The pro-abortionists are attempting to play the victim yet again.
In reality, they look for women in crisis situations, use them as unwitting tools, and then discard them and forget about them when their usefulness has ended.
The Role of Wealth and Power. Pro-abortionists constantly allege that, if abortion is criminalized, only rich women will be able to kill their preborn children. So what?
Wealth and power have always made breaking the law easier. For example, Teddy Kennedy (D.-umb) walked away from a drowning Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick and got away scot-free, because he supports all the anti-life causes and is a United States Senator.
Does this mean that murder should be decriminalized, because the poor don't have the money and influence to kill with impunity? Does not being able to kill freely make the poor victims? Of course not!
The rich will always be able to afford cocaine and other dangerous and illegal drugs, even if it costs a thousand dollars per ounce. Does this mean that we should subsidize dangerous drugs for the poor? Does an inability to purchase the very finest crack cocaine make the poor a class of victims? Of course not!
Abortion is Not a "Good Thing." With this "poor folks" argument, the pro-abortionists are once again begging the question by making a basic false assumption, i.e., Abortion Is A Good Thing. They are trying to paint the poor as 'victims' who would be deprived of a 'basic human right' should abortion be criminalized.
In order to effectively rebut this argument, we must first answer the question: Where does society generally draw the line between unrestricted and restricted availability? If something is perceived to be a basic and necessary "good," i.e., clean drinking water, good food, shelter and health care, the public generally tries to insure that all persons have access to that particular "good."
If society considers something to be "bad," then it has no obligation to insure that everyone has access to it. Such "bads" are alcohol, dangerous drugs, and pornography. Restricting an evil does not make victims of those who cannot practice it. If abortion is criminalized, the only victims will be the preborn babies of the rich, and the rich women who are ravaged by the physical and psychological trauma of abortion. Abortion Itself is a Racist Institution. Pro-abortionists love to call pro-lifers "racists" because, as they allege, criminalizing abortion will hurt "women of color" the most. This is a classic example of pro-abortion projection. The truth, of course, is that abortion itself is racist. Pro-abortionists are enraged whenever a pro-lifer brings up the fact that abortion is exterminating the Black race. In some instances, pro-abortionists have even physically attacked pro-lifers during debates when they show charts demonstrating this fact. Black women obtain abortions at more than twice the rate of White women. And their fatality rate from "safe and legal" abortion is twice that of White women, as shown in the "deaths" document. What the pro-abortionists really want in many cases is not only "safe and legal abortion," but also a reduction in the number of poor and non-White people in this country, either because they are pure racists or because they consider such people to be a "drag on the economy." This is entirely in keeping with the philosophy of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who desired "A race of thoroughbreds." For more than a thousand lengthy pro-eugenics and other quotes by Margaret Sanger and other authors from The Birth Control Review, see the Anti-Life Quote Archive, which also contains many racist quotes by modern-day pro-abortionists. Pro-abortion publications commonly discussed this racist goal until their public relations experts wisely decided to hush them up. For example, in a looseleaf workbook entitled "Organizing for Action," published as recently as 1974, the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League claimed that "Legal abortion will result in a reduction in welfare rolls. And notorious California abortionist Edward Allred said that "I would do free abortions in Mexico to stem the new influx of Hispanic immigrants. Their lack of respect for democracy and social order is frightening. ... When a sullen Black woman of 17 or 18 can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us, it's time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles, having babies for welfare is the only industry these people have

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