Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holy Family

The beauty of the family is something that is so very important to bring out in our society.

I have been so blessed to be able to be around so many good families and good examples of families. All have their struggles but all can reflect the holy family in different ways. We celebrate the feast of the Holy Family today with so many attacks on the family. There are attacks against the family through Marriage where people try changing the meaning of marriage, there are attacks against the family in changing the definition of family by people trying to change the definition of the family. We see attacks against the family by not allowing children into the world through contraception and abortion. We attacks at the mocking of large families and the society saying we should not have traditional families. We see attacks against families in so many other ways. But the Holy Family is such an important example especially now with all of these attacks. The beauty of the family that is living a life according to Christ means that children will be raised up to love God, will be raised as good citizens who will be able to help society and values and beliefs will come back into the world. With all the attacks against the families let us pray for the families that they may remain strong and may always show the love and beauty of Christ love by being models of the Holy Family to the world.

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