Wednesday, October 22, 2008

HPV Vaccine

Some points about HPV Vaccine

· The HPV Vaccine is called Gardasil which comes in 3 shots over 6 months that cost about $150 per shot.
· According to the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) there are about 100 types of HPV, but this vaccine would only cover 4 of them: types 6, 11, 16 and 18.
· Even though the CDC feels that types 16 and 18 cause almost 70% of cervical cancer, there is no long term proof that Gardasil will stop either HPV or cancer.
· Gardasil is not a cure for cancer or a cancer vaccine, but only a vaccine against 2 types of HPV that cause cancer though it is marketed as a cancer vaccine. In fact , Gardasil is marketed as a vaccine that prevents cancer, but it “. . . has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.”
· The tests that were done only proved that women did not get the two strains of HPV but did not show if the cancer was still a threat.
· During testing, an aluminum-containing placebo was used. Aluminum can cause permanent cell damage and is a reactive placebo unlike most standard saline placebos. This means that tests of Gardasil may not have given an accurate picture of safety levels.
· Gardasil is a prophylactic, preventative vaccine and will not treat pre-existing HPV infections. Not only will Gardasil not cure pre-existing HPV, it can also make pre-existing symptoms worse.
· While Gardasil is the most expensive vaccine ever to be recommended by the FDA, its long-term effectiveness is unknown and could be as brief as only two to three years.
· Although some states are considering making it mandatory for young girls to get the Gardasil vaccine, some even as young as 9 years old, it has only been tested with one other vaccine commonly given to children. There are ten commonly administered adolescent vaccines, the reaction to these vaccines is unknown. Gardasil is still in the testing stages, and will not be fully evaluated for safety until September 2009. VAERS reports (which is where all reports are made) show that as many as eighteen to twenty people have died after receiving Gardasil.
· It is unknown what any long term effects of Gardasil are, including any effects on fertility or other health areas.
· Just because someone receives Gardasil does not mean they do not need Pap’s Smears. So it does not save any money for the government, or individuals.
· It is reported that 27% of pregnant women experienced adverse reactions, to Gardasil and the VAERS reports show 45 cases combined number of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions, often within weeks of receiving the Gardasil vaccine.

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