Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Verbal engineering

I have heard it said that all social engineering starts with verbal engineering. This is such a true statement when it comes to the Culture of death vs the Culture of life. Do we watch how the media uses that verbal engineering to change people to the ways of the culture of death. Why is one side call pro-choice and the other anti-abortion. Pro is a possitive word in people mind and also Choice is a possitive word. Where anti is a negative word and abortion brings up all sorts of evil the the persons minds. That is why it is better for us to stick with Pro-life and use Pro-abortion or pro-death. It can be easy to fall into those types of ways of speaking.

Here is an example of how language changes from Brian Clowes book The Facts of Life by Human Life International. In 1965 the terms change.
Changes in Terminology Relevant to the Beginning of Human Life are like this.

Fertilization before 1965 Sperm unites with egg after 1965 Sperm unites with egg (this one is the same.)

Conception before 1965 Sperm unites with egg after 1965 Implantation (7-10 days after fertilization) (notice the difference. This helps them in the areas to kill the live of those not yet implanted.)

Embryo before 1965 The human being from first cell division until 35-40 days after fertilization after 1965 The human being after implantation, until 35-40 days after fertilization (again the difference was to justify things)

"Pre-embryo" before 1965 Nonexistent term after 1965 The tissue (non-human being) after fertilization and before implantation (it is good to make up terms if you need to justify things.)

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