Thursday, September 18, 2008

Focus on Christ

From the Gospel of Luke 7:36-50 Do we keep Christ as our focus or do we look at Him as a tool? Today the Pharisee invited Christ over but did not even do the normal greetings. Like many people Christ was more of a name to use than anything else. But when the woman showed affection towards Christ he thought ill of her. But how did he know what type of woman she was? How did he know she was a sinner? And how did this sinful woman gain such free access? Many people say they are Christians but at prayer they ignore Christ and when they see people who are showing Christ love they go after them instead of following the example of the person. Our focus should always be on Christ and to be like the loving Christ with all of our soul. Never letting what other say change how we will love Him.

As priest it can be easy to lose focus on Christ and to focus on the world. This is when we will start to give in on issues such as contraception or abortion because some people don’t want to hear that but if we are like the woman then we will be able to stay focused on Christ and not to worry about what others might say. How important that can be for us. Holding firm to where we need to be focused will allow us to do what is right and to help others to see Christ.

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