Monday, May 10, 2010

PRAYER REQUEST: 5.10.10 - Letter from HLI Philippiness

Easter greetings!

At the outset, I would like to request for the most wanted prayers for the coming national elections here in the Philippines on Monday, May 10, 2010 from 7am to 6pm.

50.4 million registered voters (49.6% of the voters are from the ages of 18-27) are expected to vote for a new president, a vice president, 12 senators, 222 thousands of local spots from governors to mayors.

Of the nine candidates for president, only four are expected to survive the race or with the real fighting chances.They are Manuel Villar, Benigno Aquino II, Joseph Ejercito Estrada and Gilbert Teodoro Jr.

While prayer vigils are being offered in many parts of the country today and tomorrow, we hope that HLI Central thru your most able leadership Father, will able to convey this very important and equally urgent intentions for a peaceful and successful national

elections. And top of all, that a pro-life president and a predominantly pro-life senate and congress will emerge next week.

May the best man with lightest political baggage and with a pro-life stand win the highest political position in the country on Monday.

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