Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bill on 'hate crimes' ignores hatred towards traditional marriage backers, Tony Perkins says

Washington D.C., Oct 22, 2009 / 06:15 pm (CNA).- The advance of a bill that would create penalties to punish “hate crimes” comes at a time of increasing intolerance towards those who support the traditional definition of marriage and reject homosexual activism, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins noted on Wednesday, causing him to ask, “Where's the protection for them?”

In his e-mail newsletter, Perkins urged his readers to voice opposition to the hate crimes bill currently under consideration in the Senate, saying it was “not an inconsequential vote.”

“Expanding hate crimes puts America in lock-step with the stated agenda of homosexual activists,” he wrote, predicting that its backers will then turn to the Employment Non-discrimination Act, the repeal of the ban on open homosexuality in the military and the Defense of Marriage Act.

He reported that more than 100,000 people have signed a petition opposing the hate crimes measure as a violation of the First Amendment. The measure is attached to a military spending bill.

Perkins noted the threats and harassment supporters of traditional marriage face.

“We get reports almost daily from donors who have given to pro-marriage campaigns in the states and are being awakened in the middle of the night by harassing phone calls and death threats. Where's the protection for them? Where are those blowing the trumpet of tolerance?"

He recounted that Family Research Council Senior Vice President Tom McClusky recently received a threatening voicemail from someone complaining about “homophobic comments” and saying that being an “intolerant bigot” would cause a reaction.

“You reap what you sow and when you start spreadin' hate against other people, that's exactly what you're gonna get back. And, you know, who knows what effect that could have on you, or your family, or your office, you know, on G Street?” the caller continued, naming the Washington, D.C. street on which the Family Research Council’s offices are located.

“Uh, just a bit of advice for ya. You should really learn, really-stop bein' such a redneck piece of s**t,” the caller’s voicemail continued, according to Perkins.

“While Congress is busy giving preferential treatment to homosexuals, maybe it's time to point out the kind of calls we receive from the side of 'tolerance,'” Perkins said

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